Our Vision
At The Art of Words Community School (TAWCS), we educate every person to foster kinder, thoughtful, conscious, and meaningful connections through their work and actions.
Let’s TAWC about it.
The CLAP Method
CLAP stands for Community, Literacy, Art, and Project-based. Combining the best of Waldorf-inspired curricula to STEM, at TAWCS, we are innovating during unprecedented times and innovating the future with the best educators in the nation. Leveraging advanced tools from Google to Zoom, we have kept the tech simple and focused on education.
Our Curriculum
Intellectual and personal discovery, as well as the development of critical thinking skills, are vital parts of our school curriculum. We nurture natural curiosity by encouraging students to ask and respond to meaningful essential questions, and then give students the tools and resources they need to begin to discover their own answers. In this way, our students build their critical thinking and high-order reasoning skills, along with their ability to become independent learners ready to succeed and flourish throughout their lives. We are actively enrolling K-5th grade. Here are our focus areas + structure below.
The Lower School (Kindergarten-Grade 5)
The lower school program is designed to help students understand the world today by building an awareness of its history and geography. The integration of community studies as part of our curricula provides opportunities to center on the "concerns" of communities. These concerns topics such as immigration, ethnicity, gender, identity, the environment, poverty, homelessness, and other psycho-social aspects that contribute to the development or peril of a community. Through our teaching approaches that integrate hands-on experiences, art, and literature, we create an environment for students to get in-depth understandings of the curriculum presented.
The primary objective of the school curriculum is to develop a firm foundation in the study of diverse civilizations, cultures, and countries. Students are encouraged to formulate and express individual opinions, and courses emphasize the accumulation of skills such as map and geography proficiency, recognizing cause and effect relationships, and critical thinking.
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he (she) is someone today.” — Stacia Tauscher, dancer and artist
TAWCS Annual Tuition
The Art of Words Community School (TAWCS) challenges students to develop their interest, be creative, think globally, and embrace the diversity of our community, continent and the world.
Our tuition of $24,000 per year includes the cost of all instructional materials. There may be additional costs for certain class trips or other extracurricular events.
The costs of our after-school programs are additional.